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Significados de rappelling down en inglés
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Uso de rappelling down en inglés
Descend by rappellingdown the route or via Martha Steps on the west side.
Vintoniv rappellingdown the headland for phase one of the approach to Yesnaby Castle.
No one was scaling the wall; no one was rappellingdown from the roof.
A door opened and a cable dropped, a single golden facet rappellingdown into the street.
Undo your personal attachment to the anchor to begin rappellingdown the single strand to your partner.
At last, the cable went taut as Orsun cleared the opening and began rappellingdown the shaft.
That same weekend, Lucas Dunn, 21, got caught in rockfall in Tahquitz Rock while rappellingdown a gully.
There was greater emphasis on non-conventional warfare this year, with troops parachuting from planes and rappellingdown ropes from helicopters.
But, I couldn't help but feel bad as we looked up at the wall as Ben and Patrick were rappellingdown.
Belay Loop Failure In October 2006, legendary climber Todd Skinner and partner, Jim Hewett, were rappellingdown Leaning Tower in Yosemite.
Visit Website They reached the summit late at night in thick fog and increasing wind, and began rappellingdown the south face.
My sneakers made contact, but I kept rappellingdown until my full weight was on the seat and I had my balance.
The following scenarios assume that you are rappellingdown a multipitch climb where there is no other way to get down besides rappelling.
Rigging such haul systems there, particularly on the big walls, would be more dangerous than rappellingdown and climbing back up such faces.
Canadian climber Serge Dessureault is thought to have fallen to his death just below House's Chimney or perhaps while rappellingdown the Black Pyramid.
It was a harsh collective experience: sleeping rough, orienteering, rappellingdown cliffs, searching for pure water and so forth, all while lugging a heavy backpack.