The amount of fluid that flows in a given time.
1Tiny white markers circulating inside the flowing blood vessels indicated the direction and rate of flow.
2When given internally it increases the actual amount as well as the rate of flow of the bile.
3The enhanced absorption of cholesterol and protein was associated with a reduced rate of flow of chyme through the ileum.
4Engineers report that the carrying power of a stream is increased 64 times when its rate of flow is doubled.
5The circulation of the donor limb must be adequate to produce a significant increase in the rate of flow through the recipient limb.
6The rate of flow increases more or less gradually to the maximum about midday, and falls off in the afternoon in the same gradual manner.
7When crude oil, kerosene, or water (river or distilled) was forced through the specimens, the pressure being constant, the rate of flow was variable.
Translations for rate of flow