Aún no tenemos significados para "raw bitumen".
1They used the components for different purposes-forexample, raw bitumen as the cement in their mosaic floors-soeverything was on hand.
2The company will also ship raw bitumen to refiners in Canada and the United States that can process the extra-heavy crude.
3That will allow them to generate some cash flow by selling raw bitumen from their oil sands mines, while holding down initial costs.
4According to Canada's National Energy Board, production of synthetic crude and raw bitumen averaged about 1.34 million barrels a day in 2009.
5That capacity is made up of 50,000 of raw bitumen and the rest light fuel used to move the crude in pipelines.
6Move would mean partners build mine and extraction plant and sell as much as 160,000 barrels a day raw bitumen into open market starting 2011.
7Move would mean partners build mine and extraction plant and sell as much as 160,000 bpd of raw bitumen into open market, starting in 2011.
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