Naturally occurring flammable liquid.
Examples for "oil"
Examples for "oil"
1Washington, however, late last week issued new sanctions against Caracas's oil industry.
2Stocks in Europe and Asia were higher today on lower oil prices.
3It cited weaker-than-expected oil use in developed economies, particularly Europe and Japan.
4However, the British oil major denied the deal made significant new concessions.
5I ask them one question: Do you feel you need more oil?
1Oil prices found support from looming U.S. sanctions against Iran's petroleum industry.
2India currently has separate ministries for petroleum, power, coal and renewable energy.
3Two important prerequisites for potential petroleum deposits are thus met, she said.
4The Company also provides land transportation services of petroleum, gas and chemicals.
5The ports are key corridors for crude oil, petroleum products and petrochemicals.
1Both Morgan Stanley and Barclays Capital, for example, trade physical crude oil.
2India is also open to crude oil imports from Russia, he said.
3It will sell 90 million tonnes of crude oil and refined products.
4Meanwhile, U.S. crude oil production is expected to rise to new records.
5Oil tankers are used to ferry the country's vital crude oil exports.
1I struck black gold there with a jar of Vegemite the other day.
2Fox execs hope Carter will strike black gold once again.
3But does it make economic sense and does it deserve it's moniker ' black gold'?
4Russia benefited mightily from the surge in the value of the " black gold".
5Back in Iowa, many farmers are attempting to protect and rebuild their precious black gold.
1Microalgae-derived lipids are an alternative to vegetable and fossil oils, but lipid content and quality vary among microalgae strains.
1Its assets include conventional oil and gas, oil sands and shale gas.
2Some of the tankers could nonetheless still be used for conventional oil transportation.
3Extracting crude from the clay-like oil sands requires more energy than conventional oil production.
4The Pembina Cardium is a conventional oil fields in Alberta.
5The company is also selling its Pelican Lake and Suffield conventional oil and gas assets.
1For outdoor work boiled oil is used and for indoor work, raw oil; 4.
2The raw oil price is only about half of the price we pay at the pump though.
3When trying out different olive oils, many experts suggest tasting the raw oil, but Raij has a different approach.
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