International exhibition of military equipment and ammunition.
Entity in New Zealand responsible for the regulation of the real estate industry.
Other organization in Riga, Latvia.
Programs to provide infrastructure to rural ocmmunities.
Examples for "rus"
Examples for "rus"
1On opening her we found a Participle in rus in the pericordium.
2There ain't enough rus in urbe about it to suit me.
3In 802 Ni-ceph'o-rus usurped the throne of the Eastern Empire.
4Funk & Wagnalls, half rus.
1The USDA's Rural Utilities Service, especially, has come under fire for spending money in all the wrong places.
1The Rural Electrification Administration has helped meet the growing demand for power and telephones in agricultural areas.
1I rea...five by fi... MacArthur' s reply was cracked and whispery.
2You can find out more about reaDIYmates on their website.
3One sat down at rea with them on lawn, after which women moved away.
4Our second Kickstarter project of the week is reaDIYmates, a kit to make WiFi-enabled companions.
5Mens rea reform was excluded from the Senate measure because its authors were divided on the issue.
6Any one looking at it never sees it diminished in size at whatever distance; and the rea-
7And so be rea- soned that his best attitude was to be one of rather taciturn serenity.
8Jane rea'son to-night' hap'pi er in struct'ive
9Segue has protocols for a rea-
10She had to clear her mind, think of Gabby, reaUze that Logan's embrace, Logan's heat wasn't necessary to her.
11How can we establish intention - "mens rea", or the "guilty mind" - beyond a reasonable doubt?
12Though Ireland does not produce landmines, a spokesman said that making the Order heightened this country's profile in this rea.
13Kennedy and rea form a sympathetic partnership, the London background is knowing and well-sketched in, the story-line leisurely but inventive.
14Swan said, "All right, I'm rea-"
15If there is one genre of fiction that almost never translates successfully to film, it is magic rea(...)
16The groanings were heard, they say, 'when all wyndes are whiste and the rea restes unmoved as a standing poole.'