Nelson, for example, has been a fan of Roundup since Monsanto introduced Roundup Readysoybeans and corn in the 1990s.
Monsanto said last summer it would maintain export approval status for Roundup Readysoybeans through 2021, four years longer than it pledged initially.
The first, in 2014, will be the herbicide-tolerant Roundup Readysoybeans developed by Monsanto Co MON.N and used by most U.S. soybean farmers.
Monsanto says breeders and seed companies will be in position to put a generic version of Roundup Readysoybeans on the market in 2015.
Begemann also said the company could not yet provide early harvest data for its new generation of Roundup Readysoybeans, dubbed Roundup Ready 2 Yield.
Monsanto, the world's largest seed company, has a reputation for zealously defending patents on its genetically altered crops, including Roundup Readysoybeans, corn and cotton.
His legal brief states the technology fees for Roundup Readysoybeans have risen to $17.50 per bag by 2009 from about $4.50 in 1996.