Aún no tenemos significados para "realizing for".
1He paused, realizing for the first time the vagueness of his own motives.
2I studied her, realizing for the first time how well she understood her father.
3He stopped, perhaps realizing for the first time how close to hysteria she was.
4Bent, realizing for the first time who was the Goddess from the Machine, stared also.
5Peter was realizing for the first time in his life, how champagne made one feel.
6Perhaps she was realizing for the first time the great responsibility she had taken upon herself.
7Dale looked around, realizing for the first time what a solid barrier the giant elms made.
8I looked up at Nakhtmin through my pain, realizing for the first time what he had said.
9I hovered us near the portal, realizing for the first time just how massive these things were.
10Dougal blinked at the asura, realizing for the first time what Kranxx had given up to come along.
11I rubbed my eyes, not realizing for several seconds that I had seen the outline of my hand.
12He paused, realizing for the first time that the mystery of those letters was now deeper than ever.
13Hobbs looks over to Agent Spodek, as if realizing for the first time that she is even there.
14He turned finally and walked back toward his car, realizing for the first time how silent everything was.
15I told him, realizing for the first time that one of the things drink could transform was one's bumbling.
16She was realizing for the first time that henceforth he would belong to the world and not to her.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Realizing for a través del tiempo
Realizing for por variante geográfica
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