This linear loss was often interpreted to be a consequence of geminate or trap-assisted recombination.
The cell which bears the ovicell geminate.
The cells upon which the ovicells are placed are always geminate, that is to say, have a smaller cell growing out from one side.
(Even though you eventually thin them to 4 inches apart, it's better to plant close in case the seeds don't geminate uniformly.)
Uso de reduplicate en inglés
Why may not thought's mission be to increase and elevate, rather than simply to imitate and reduplicate, existence?
In those palms were reduplicated the signs I had seen in Mrs. Elbourn's.
So with reduplicating speech she conveyed intelligence to his mind.
The chain-trail of the moorhen reduplicated itself.
The line must be reinforced and reduplicated, and a second figure, almost a facsimile of the first, is added.
In the suburbs of our cities you may see, reduplicated in endless rows, studiedly quaint imitations and adaptations of the village hovel.
Somewhere in this great, multitudinous mass of humanity he is sinning and sinning and reduplicating and extending the sin that you did.
Benham went into the study that reduplicated his former rooms in Finacue Street and sat down before the fire the butler lit for him.
The latter remains a melodramatic masterpiece, and faithful to the novel that Angela Carter once said, "shamelessly reduplicated the plot of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre".