Aún no tenemos significados para "regal magnificence".
1At last the travellers reached the capital, and were received with regal magnificence.
2They simply flung themselves in regal magnificence at our feet.
3A regal magnificence was in the lady's air and mien.
4The furniture of the chamber was of regal magnificence.
5He began housekeeping on a scale of regal magnificence.
6He was consequently well able to offer his guests an entertainment of almost regal magnificence.
7And, indeed, his Turf transactions were all conducted on a scale of truly regal magnificence.
8The Queen on that occasion appeared for the last time in her life in regal magnificence.
9The sultans of Ternate and Tidore were once celebrated through the East for their power and regal magnificence.
10The Prince himself sold all his jewels, plate, tapestry, and other furniture, which were of almost regal magnificence.
11The luxury of her toilet, of her jewels, of her house and of her equipages, was of regal magnificence.
12The royal bog fern, Osmunda regalis, has attained a regal magnificence beside my overgrown pond, wearing its raindrops like diamonds.
13The cabinet itself was furnished in a style of regal magnificence, which the Intendant carried into all details of his living.
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Regal magnificence por variante geográfica