Aún no tenemos significados para "regarding as".
1One George he insisted upon regarding as a buffoon, another as a yokel.
2The Westerners were right in regarding as indispensable the free navigation of the Mississippi.
3On Helena's other side sat Rollins, whom she honoured by regarding as a brother.
4The story has now reached a point which I cannot help regarding as its climax.
5We cannot avoid regarding as one principal cause of it the manner in which they eat their food.
6They lived under the jurisdiction of Beauty, regarding as natural what other people looked on as a sin.
7But the author is far from regarding as accomplished, the task which he has voluntarily imposed on himself.
8There's no holding these people-theseseveral hundred Italians that poor Karl insisted upon regarding as his wards, his 'adopted children.'
9Hadn't she told him it was one of her foster-brothers, one of those lads whom he persisted in regarding as children?
10Rajas (Passion) is (according to this school) regarding as having only the two incidents of inclination (to act) and sorrow.
11We are overheard by the dim masses of Indians whom, in spite of all, we shall persist in regarding as our friends.
12The adroitness and merciful despatch which I noticed, I could hardly help regarding as meriting censure for the insensibility which they marked.
13The Margaret of yesterday, of last month, he trusted he had arrived at regarding as a sister: not so the Margaret of last summer.
14It was hard for her to have to give up the little creature, whom she had grown so used to regarding as her own.
15The Highlander, whom I still could not help regarding as the evil genius of Thomas Drummond, performed every action as with the quickness of thought.
16Regarding as a light thing his poor unfurnished stomach, Carne mounted the broken staircase, in a style which might else have been difficult.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Regarding as a través del tiempo
Regarding as por variante geográfica