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Significados de reminded voters en inglés
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Uso de reminded voters en inglés
Arizona officials remindedvoters of a Wednesday deadline to vote by mail.
Several Republican candidates, particularly Trump, have remindedvoters of the allegations while campaigning.
He has remindedvoters that historically, Hawaii polls have often been inconsistent with the actual results.
Manchin has repeatedly remindedvoters of Morrisey's years as a Washington lobbyist for interests including pharmaceutical companies.
He remindedvoters on Tuesday that he has supported Obama's plans to shrink the military's presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But Sturgeon in Dundee remindedvoters that the SNP, not Labour, were the main rivals to the Tories in Scotland.
He remindedvoters of his long-time efforts to push through his own carbon-emissions bill with Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.
But the ads subtly remindedvoters that "Avatar" was an actors' film and not just a VFX showcase.
The killing of Yusef Hawkins, a black youth, in Besonhurst remindedvoters once again how polarized the city continues to be.
He remindedvoters of Trump's dismissal of Senator John McCain as not a hero because he got captured during the Vietnam War.
It has also remindedvoters of the fractious bickering that dominated Italian politics before Monti's arrival and is likely to return after his departure.
Bush remindedvoters that his wife Columba was a Mexican he met on a visit south of the Rio Grande more than 40 years ago.
She remindedvoters of Trump's well-documented roots in the birther movement, which tried unsuccessfully to prove President Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States.
The commission remindedvoters that voting outside of the country is scheduled for Saturday, 27 April 2019, at South Africa's foreign missions.