Aún no tenemos significados para "reply crass".
1'P'raps I won't want to do nothing,' replied Crass with a feeble laugh.
2''E always leaves it outside the gate, so's we can't see it,' replied Crass.
3'You can do it yourself if you like,' replied Crass affably, looking at his watch.
4'Why, hour speshul hartist,' replied Crass with a sneer.
5''E always was a very thin chap,' replied Crass.
6'Yes, I suppose it will,' replied Crass, 'but money ain't no object to old Sweater.
7'Yes, I think so,' replied Crass, attempting to pass on; but the old man detained him.
8'So it is going to be,' replied Crass.
9'That's all right, matey,' replied Crass affably as he deposited the empty dish on the table.
10'No; we ain't got 'ardly anything,' replied Crass.
11'Ain't thought much about it,' replied Crass.
12'I don't mind if I do,' replied Crass, pouring what remained of the pint down his throat.
13'As mild as milk,' replied Crass.
14'It's the same bloke,' replied Crass.
15'Of course it ain't,' replied Crass.
16'No,' replied Crass, and added: 'I only 'ope Owen don't think as I never said anything against 'im.