Aún no tenemos significados para "retreated back".
1After a quick look around he retreated back the way he'd come.
2She flirted with it for a bit, then retreated back up north.
3They had retreated back a few paces to avoid the salt showers.
4She tilted her head at Jed, and retreated back into the corridor.
5The sentinels retreated back to the encampment, and the whole army was roused.
6Frings followed the group as it retreated back inside to their oil-drum fire.
7I ignored the page and retreated back to my internal dialogue.
8She retreated back across my hand, rewound herself about my wrist, and faded.
9The vampire hissed, let go of Julie, and retreated back into the room.
10She bobbed her head apprehensively, and retreated back into the apartment.
11The soldiers had retreated back into the corridor behind us.
12In moments, the bounty hunters had retreated back through the trees toward the roadway.
13Then she smiled again, and nodded to them, and retreated back to her mother.
14Had she retreated back into the World Between the Worlds?
15He frowned into the room, and then turned and retreated back into the hall.
16She yanked out her knife, confiscated his weapon, and retreated back to the kitchen.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Retreated back a través del tiempo
Retreated back por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América