There was a string of obvious ritual commands in their sacredlanguage.
The most amazing efforts were made to trace back everything to the sacredlanguage.
The unity of the Church, and therefore its power, required the use of Latin as a sacredlanguage.
The words are probably either archaic or remnants of a sacredlanguage or mystic words of an esoteric priesthood.
Arabic is their sacredlanguage.
According to them, Prakrit is the only sacredlanguage, and is used in their sacred literature, as well as in Ceylon.
It must have been some old sacredlanguage-Phoenician ,Sabaean , Iknownot what-whichhad survived in the rite of the Snake.
It was natural that the prophets and historians, all of whom wrote soon after the exile, should employ the sacredlanguage of their fathers.
All this labor is in the language of a vast nation of Mohammedans, the sacredlanguage of the whole sect, the language of their prophet.
Over and above this we have of course the fact that the sacredlanguage has, generally speaking, both in Australia and elsewhere, this unchanging character.
A difference in dialect was assiduously cultivated, a sort of " sacredlanguage" being employed to conceal while it conveyed the mysteries of faith.
In 1627 Dr. Constantine l'Empereur was inducted into the chair of Philosophy of the SacredLanguage in the University of Leyden.