Neither Volynov nor Bogdashevsky spoke of interpersonal difficulties on board Salyut 5.
Lena tells him I am interested in hearing about Salyut 5-whathappened?
In May 1977, the sides formally agreed that a Shuttle-Salyut mission should occur.
Salyut 1 was essentially a lash-up, its components assembled from spacecraft originally designed for other purposes.
The first, Svetlana Savitskaya, was handed a floral-print apron when she floated through the Salyut hatch.
The April launch went smoothly and Salyut 1 entered orbit, but it was all downhill after that.
But just as often, they were bedeviled by technical glitches and failures, and so it was with Salyut 1.
The shower on the Soviet space station Salyut used air flow to try to draw the water down toward the cosmonauts' feet.
He wanted NASA to work with the Soviets and arrange an in-orbit gabfest between him and the cosmonauts aboard the Salyut space station.
April 19, 1971: Soviets Put First Space Station Into Orbit 1971: Salyut 1, the first operational space station, is launched.
Interestingly, just 13 days after the OART team completed its report, the Soviet Union launched Salyut 1, the world's first space station.
The first took place when cosmonauts Anatoli Berezovoi and Valentin Lebedev pushed the Iskra-2 satellite out of the Salyut 7 space station.
Shuttle-Salyut negotiators made progress in 1975-1976, but the U.S. deferred signing an agreement until after the results of the November 1976 election were known.