Aún no tenemos significados para "same color".
1The same color as the envelope, the paper was heavy and embossed.
2The house is the same color, the bars and roof the same.
3And it was the exact same color as the Rosewood Day flag.
4In fact, he was about the same color as the Hurricane's tights.
5Alternative Colors Who says your nails have to be the same color?
6He's even the same color, and there are not many brown horses.
7People with skin the same color as me came here in bondage.
8Michelle's dress was the same color, but made of a spandex blend.
9These tiles they have put down are the same color as before.
10Dingy brown tiles, the same color as the walls, covered the roof.
11Now they are the same color as his skin, which is khaki.
12His eyes are dark brown, almost the same color as Christina's skin.
13The henchman's face turned the same color as his peroxide crew cut.
14She had hair the same color as Loren's, but dark brown eyes.
15Then looped-up paniers of cheesecloth of the same color at each side.
16As much as possible, the horses should all be of the same color.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Same color a través del tiempo
Same color por variante geográfica
Estados Unidos de América