International Morse code distress signal (· · · – – – · · ·)
Examples for "sos"
Examples for "sos"
1Then they shut em quick sos they wont let out any air.
2Par nas' sos-a mountain near the north coast of the Corinthian Gulf.
3He drank the whole thing right down sos nobody couldnt get hold of it.
4Bus mola yes chirriclo on la ba sos grés balogando.
5All the important stuff like that is camooflaged sos the Germans wont get onto it.
1He is set forth as born for us, to save our souls.
2He wants to reform us and save our souls, the poor fool.
3Be that as it may, we have one more chance to save our souls.
4What help does God give us to save our souls?
5Hast come to save our souls, or damn us?
6What must we do to save our souls?
7But it might just save our souls.
8Now, as we can save our souls, so we can also lose them in any calling whatsoever.
9Will it really profit us so much if we save our souls and lose the whole world?
11He pleads for us to save our souls; why should not we plead for him to sanctify his name?
12Our end in leaving our country was singly this, to save our souls; to live wholly to the glory of God.
13Our only and necessary affair is to live for God, to do his will, and to sanctify and save our souls.
14He is set forth as born for us, to save our souls (Isa 9:6; Luke
15If they do half the things that I recommend we'll be in at the final lickin' big, and will save our souls yet.
16He has saved our souls, He has changed our lives.
Translations for save our souls