Aún no tenemos significados para "say the downgrade".
1Doctors said the downgrade from good condition was common in such cases.
2But Nishi said the downgrade on Portugal may not affect the Japanese market.
3Vodafone said the downgrades were not the result of any briefings to analysts.
4But Scottish fishermen say the downgrading is premature and could ultimately be counterproductive.
5It said the downgrade reflected the view that the government's debt ratio would continue to rise.
6The Chancellor George Osborne said the downgrade was a stark reminder of the country's debt problems.
7S&P has said the downgrade was prompted by concern about Washington's ability to manage the country's debt.
8The central bank's first deputy governor, meanwhile, said the downgrade had already been factored into many decisions.
9The Greek finance ministry said the downgrade showed the need to revise how rating agencies operate in Europe.
10Fonterra said the downgrade would not have any impact on its forecast payout to farmers, or its strategy.
11The agency said the downgrades reflected "the material deterioration in financial performance in recent months" at Waterford.
12But analysts and investors said the downgrade was likely to have little immediate impact on Bank of America's business.
13Fitch said the downgrades apply to about $80 billion of notes outstanding and all national scale long-term issuances.
14Fitch Ratings slashed Ireland's credit rating, saying the downgrade reflected the additional costs of restructuring and supporting the banking system.
15Tonga's Minister of Tourism says the downgrading of New Zealand's travel warnings for Tonga is very good news for the economy.
16However, Javier Cantavella Nadal of S&P said the downgrade in no way put in question Spain's ability to meet its debt obligations.