Aún no tenemos significados para "scrawl note".
1Young man at hearby table frantically scrawled note which he sent Thomas.
2At the end of the practice he handed me a hastily scrawled note.
3She had made scrawled notes of what she remembered of the lunatic anatomy.
4The detective looked down at his notebook and his scrawled notes.
5He read the hastily scrawled note aloud with a tone that failed toward the end.
6Or was the scrawled note slipped into the envelope by a prank- playing fourteen-year-old brother?
7It was only a scrawled note just five words long, a reminder by Brimstone to himself:
8Under the professor's scrawled note were a few lines of text accompanied by the Odas' names.
9He sent word, just a scrawled note in the morning, to say my wife had died.
10I remembered the picture of the beach and the scrawled note from the girl named Libby.
11Late one evening I received a hurriedly- scrawled note from his wife, begging me to come round.
12On David's return to the hotel he found a hastily scrawled note from Artful Dick Cronk.
13His right hand was scrawling notes into a register; his left hand directed Kuisl to a seat.
14From the scrawled note on the far margin of the paper, I can see that for myself.
15He handed the paper with his scrawled notes on it over to Gordon and went shuffling back.
16I find myself staring at the paper sack with my scrawled notes until my eyes lose focus.