Aún no tenemos significados para "see any girl".
1I can't see any girl volunteering to take Lily's place, can you?
2I don't like to see any girl wearying after some fellow to be always fal-lalling with her.
3I admit I didn't like to see any girl so frightened of me as she appeared to be.
4The gendarme said he had never seen any girls-notin this particular square.
5You won't see any girls, because they're at work in the textile factories.
6In fact, I never saw any girl a patch on her in my life.
7So many girls are pretty, and I never saw any girl just like her.
8You've been a plebe until lately, and you haven't been allowed to see any girls.
9Sure I never knew many girls, and I haven't seen any girls at all for years.
10I don't see any girls, responded Pepe Rey.
13I never saw any girl who affected me so much, and she is the reason why I am here now.
14"Ain't you seen any girl you fancy in that crowd?" demanded the other.
15"Did you ever see any girl that you thought more of?"
16"I ain't never seen any girl whose opinion I think more of," answered Hiram.
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