Aún no tenemos significados para "see dad".
1I'm anxious to have you see dad as soon as you can.
2You better come up to the house and see dad, then.
3I must get Dr. Gladby to come over and see dad.
4Well, you'd a dide to see dad's head after the blisters began to raise.
5Won't you please see dad and be nice to him?
6Still, my heart is saying dad is not in there but I did see dad.
7I must see dad first, and get his opinion.
8O, O, but you'd a dide to see dad.
9He said he should come to-morrow and see dad.
10Anyway, I'd fly down to see dad every now and then while he was in the South.
11You may see dad, if you like, while I get the list of things the doctor ordered.
12Do you mind coming to see dad?
13It's probably somebody to see dad.
14I seed yuh goin' along hyah, an' I thort as how p'r'aps yuh wont come over an' see dad.
15We had to have the doctor over last night to see dad; he had another attack of lumbago, and can't move this morning.
16It seems to me I'd pay any price just to see dad walking around again and to know that you were both provided for.
Esta colocación está formada por:
See dad a través del tiempo
See dad por variante geográfica
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