Aún no tenemos significados para "seized with despair".
1At last, seized with despair, they fled precipitately.
2Once they lost the trail and were seized with despair, but, searching anxiously, they found it again.
3That made such a breach in our provisions, that the boldest hearts began to be seized with despair.
4At last, seized with despair, the enemy fled precipitately, and were pursued by the Griquas for about eight miles.
5The Cholulans tore down some of the stones, and when the expected miracle did not take place, were seized with despair.
6When the Moors beheld their prophet slain and his banner in the dust, they were seized with despair and fled in confusion to the city.
7Towards the middle of January, seized with despair, he abandoned his picture and turned it against the wall, swearing that he would not finish it.
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