Absorbed in your own interests or thoughts etc.
Examples for "self-absorbed"
Examples for "self-absorbed"
1And they say the youth of today are completely self-absorbed and unaware.
2Gone was the self-absorbed, sulky look that he had mostly worn before.
3Peter sat in a corner, self-absorbed, staring gloomily out of the window.
4And anyway it is generous of us not to be too self-absorbed.
5He would not pain His hosts by self-absorbed aloofness at the table.
1We love self-involved names like Memi, which is of course pronounced Me!
2What you regard as reasonable, others may regard as a little too self-involved.
3I'm far from being the only person on earth who had self-involved parents.
4I think it's because they're both creative and maybe just a bit self-involved.
5Fancy those dark-eyed beggars and those calm-mouthed, cowy-men in this eager, self-involved republic.
6He stood immovable, pale, cold, and self-involved, like a being from another sphere.
7So I'm here to tell you: Don't send me your self-involved AA nonsense.
8At this point, the self-involved Clintons seem like teen-agers finally going off to college.
9PROBLEM: How do I deal with extremely self-involved friends?
10He went out with women young enough to be his children, and seemed entirely self-involved.
11Both are absent and self-involved, both live out of themselves in a world of imagination.
12All nations do this, but no nation does it with more self-involved hubris than England.
13They're too self-involved, wrapped up in their own stories.
14Bottom line, he was becoming a whining, self-involved fool.
15He was for the most part extremely self-involved.
16It is a fatal flaw if we are to care for this essentially obnoxious, self-involved figure.