Moreover, double replicas revealed both connexins in separatedomains mirrored on both sides of matched hemiplaques.
This suggests that the two binding interactions may exist on two separatedomains of the protein.
The amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions form separatedomains with the latter being primarily responsible for lipid binding.
Heat-loving, methane-producing consortia of microorganisms even appear to produce nanowires that connect organisms from separatedomains of life.
The intensity of additional care in each of the five separatedomains indicates the CAP for the individual child.
Subsequently, Gag is cleaved by the viral protease enzyme into separatedomains, leading to rearrangement of the virus into its infectious form.
Our results suggest that RNases H which are also active as separatedomains might need a functional basic loop for proper substrate binding.
This suggests that BDP formed separatedomains within the bilayers which caused non-ideal mixing and phase separation at 5 mol% steroid.
The use of 5-azacytidine has allowed us to demonstrate that these satellite DNAs are organized in two separatedomains at the centromeres of mouse chromosomes.