Technical ability afforded by the internet.
1ULSTER Bank Markets has introduced a market rate service on the Internet.
2Perhaps most importantly, NIC controlled the reverse look-up service on the Internet.
3But Maria Carolina, who advertises her services on the Internet, defended her money-raising scheme.
4Some large, international online services on the Internet, BITNET, and UUCP are almost free.
5The Gap, a major international clothing brand and retailer, plans to launch a worldwide shopping service on the Internet.
6Services on the Internet offer file transfer through gateways using a command called FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
7A service on the Internet.
8After Pad and Gandalf were released from prison, they started up a free security advisory service on the Internet.
9The company is to target the business user through customised Websites and repair and spare parts services on the Internet.
10They accuse the cable provider of falsely advertising that it provides unfettered access to all content and services on the Internet.
11Microsoft says it is going to take on Sun Microsystems by offering its office software as a service on the Internet.
12Because AT&T doesn't want all TV and voice moving to cheaper services on the internet, it may seek to artificially control it.
13Witches don't post prices for their services on the internet, the understanding being that cost will be incurred based on services rendered.
14Under the agreement, Microsoft's search engine will also be the default service on the Internet Explorer browser preloaded on new HP computers.
15"Frequently Asked Questions" about services on the Internet.
16WWW (World Wide Web) is much like Gopher in that it provides top level access down to other services on the Internet.
Translations for service on the internet