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Significados de several cubic en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "several cubic".
Uso de several cubic en inglés
Holding himself erect, he ventilated his nostrils with severalcubic feet of air.
They displaced a volume of water equal to the island itself, severalcubic kilometers in all.
Holly pulled severalcubic packages from the locker.
He said severalcubic kilometres of material has settled on the sea floor, raising it by 10 metres.
One round was enough to put it in the water, each explosion removing severalcubic feet of wood.
All that remained was a large hole, severalcubic feet of empty space where something had been stored.
At these places severalcubic yards of rock had to be blown away, in order to make room for a road.
Via this "impact splash" phenomenon, a dust devil can easily loft severalcubic meters of dust into the air, he notes.
Next to Flannery hovered a chart mapping the political fluxes that roiled Planet Earth-blobsof color, jostling across severalcubic meters of Gerald's stateroom.
According to the contract description, the system would consist of "low-profile containers, each containing enough foam base to generate severalcubic meters of high-strength foam."