I did not know before, that a half-mile of sextuple railway-tracks could be made such an adornment.
Finally, long into the last session of the day, Dhanawade became the second man in history to score a sextuple-century.
A cubist Alex, all planar overlap and sextuple foreheads, surrounds and eludes me simultaneously, omnidirectionally dancing with all of us.
These sextuple legs supported a hundred feet above their bases a huge and globular body formed of clusters of the spheres.
Hamblin Hall stands at the end of the long green "Campus" with its sextuple line of elms-theboast and the singularity of Wentworth.
Sextuple limbs unfolded in unhuman geometries.
That land has sextupled in value, besides yielding generously under his system of cultivation; and by selling it now he could realise an immense fortune.