Aún no tenemos significados para "sexual offenders".
1It led to public marches, and tighter restrictions around parole for sexual offenders.
2As an aside, Nicholas Ninow was also added to the sexual offenders register.
3The policy wouldn't apply to the worst violent or sexual offenders, or higher education.
4The necessary steps to be taken include: The publication of a register of sexual offenders.
5Legislation to increase the sentences of repeat sexual offenders has been introduced in the Dáil.
6Unfortunately, part of this epidemic is driven by sexual offenders who prey on young girls.
7Copeland said he believed that "murderers, perverts and sexual offenders" should be hanged.
8This list isn't going change the way the New Zealand criminal justice system prosecutes sexual offenders.
9But they do not allow child sexual offenders to attend violence courses, for their own safety.
10In harmony with this fairness, sexual offenders would appear to be more dolichocephalic than other criminals.
11The bill would mean mandatory 25 year prison sentences for third time violent or sexual offenders.
12On the extreme end, and unsurprisingly, sadism is commonly seen in sexual offenders and serial killers.
13In addition, the marchers called on the judiciary system to produce a public record of sexual offenders.
14Mr Ahern has previously expressed concern over the number of sexual offenders offered treatment while in prison.
15Teenagers who commit sexual violence should have mandatory treatment, a counsellor who works with sexual offenders says.
16The total number of the sexual offenders in the prisons of the Dominion on that date was 185.
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