Aún no tenemos significados para "shaped cut".
1There was a crescent- shaped cut in his thigh that had opened an artery.
2The tenderloin is a torpedo- shaped cut that runs along the rib bones in the loin section.
3There's also a crescent- shaped cut on his chin.
4A big X- shaped cut across his abdomen.
5The blood on his face and clothes came from a crescent- shaped cut on the point of his chin.
6The knife nicked her vein, a tiny V- shaped cut from which the blood ran in a long scarlet trickle.
7With the gut cavity emptied, a U- shaped cut is made across the crown of the head, from ear to ear.
8"Are you all right?" Alban, standing above her, looked down with concern in his eyes and blood trickling from a crescent- shaped cut on his temple.
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