Aún no tenemos significados para "shocked expression".
1He saw her shocked expression through the flames, then she looked away.
2Percival Ford sat quietly, an annoyed and shocked expression on his face.
3The shocked expression on Carrel's face made Amalfi abruptly sodden with weariness.
4Beside her sat Robert with a shocked expression which didn't change all night.
5Not recognizing him at first, she looks up with an unfamiliar, shocked expression.
6The dusk hid the shocked expression that gathered on Thompson's face.
7If she noticed the shocked expression on Joyce's face, she gave no sign.
8With a shocked expression, Takahashi raises his face and looks straight at Mari.
9From Baxter's shocked expression Jack figured he really hadn't known.
10A shocked expression passed over the face of the class.
11He flashed a toothy grin at my shocked expression and nodded to my left.
12He stopped short with his chores and turned to Erica with a shocked expression.
13Then I notice Charlotte's shocked expression and Madeline's tight one.
14Instead, the salesgirl stood over her, wearing a shocked expression.
15She sighed, then realized that Emma was staring at her with a shocked expression.
16He had a second to see the shocked expression on the Top Hat's face-
Esta colocación está formada por:
Shocked expression a través del tiempo
Shocked expression por variante geográfica
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