Aún no tenemos significados para "sinewy frame".
1There was something perdurable in them as well as in her gaunt, sinewy frame.
2The millionaire was tall and lean, with a sinewy frame, and an oval, olive-complexioned face.
3The Bishop was an undersized, spare man, with a rugged, weather-beaten face and sinewy frame.
4The new-corner was of a tall and sinewy frame, and in the first bloom of manhood.
5She knew that this slim, sun-bronzed Westerner was a man's man, that strength and nerve inhabited his sinewy frame.
6He saw a tall man, of a spare and sinewy frame, with red hair, lightly powdered, and keen blue eyes.
7It was a strange, un-Egyptian pallor, an opaque whiteness with dark shadows that belied the testimony of vigor in his sinewy frame.
8His long, gaunt, sinewy frame, and his tough courage, made him a formidable antagonist, but it was hard to provoke him to combat.
9Three horses had he tired out and replaced by fresh ones, but his sinewy frame and healthy courage had till now defied every strain.
10No, this something did not have bedroom eyes, a Swiss bank account, and a heavy, sinewy frame depressing the other side of my mattress.
11His face was the least boyish of any of the four, and his supple, sinewy frame had much of the strength of manhood in it.
12The effect of that glance on Jacopo was so powerful that his sinewy frame shook, until the wondering Carmelite heard the clanking of his chains.
13In an instant, Mr. Lincoln's feet came through the skylight, followed by his tall and sinewy frame, and he was standing by Colonel Baker's side.
14His eyes were dark and piercing, his mustache prodigious, and he wore a skimpy Adidas tank top and pair of shorts over his sinewy frame.
15They were tall men, with sinewy frames and piercing eyes.
16Their clothing was dried thoroughly, and their tough and sinewy frames recovered all their strength and elasticity.
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Sinewy frame por variante geográfica