Aún no tenemos significados para "sing off".
1The joy and hilarity of it just sing off the page.
2And the way you sing -someof us sing off key.
3We sing off the same book.
4An' mebbe it didn't sing off the lava!...
5But the trilogy is at its very best when the plays sing off each other, and the play-within-the-play device speaks to a wider world.
6I woke to Augusta's humming something that sounded kind of like "Pennies from Heaven" and wondered how she could sing off-key and still be melodious.
7The flame instantly singed off the thick fur and scorched its flesh.
8When we sang hymns, he sang off the same book with me.
9Somewhere he had gone through flames, and his beard was singed off.
10The fourth shot went singing off the pavement to one side.
11US president Donald Trump's aides have been singing off the same hymn sheet.
12Immediately he built a fire, and singed off quills and hair.
13And she had singed off quite a lot- aburntoffering, she called it.
14Ebonie enjoys singing off-key, dancing on beat and eating cake a la mode.
15Not everyone was singing off the same hymn sheet, however.
16The bullet splintered the edge of the stone protecting Garth's head, and sang off.
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