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Significados de slight mention en inglés
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Uso de slight mention en inglés
After a slightmention of other matters, she says:-
The anomalies of the vascular system are so numerous that we shall dismiss them with a slightmention.
Yet he seems to have been entirely unacquainted with Egypt, and gives only a slightmention of Cairo.
Across the river in Vera Cruz, from very slightmention, we gather that, substantially, the same kind of ruins occur.
And Medora felt, along with Carolyn, that a slightmention was an immensity of times greater than no mention at all.
There too we read of the projected excursion to the Canaries, of which slightmention occurs in letters to Fox and Henslow.
Waymark only saw Mr. Woodstock once or twice in the next fortnight, and very slightmention was made between them of the coming trial.
Gray, who pronounced "The Schoolmistress" a masterpiece in its kind, made a rather slightingmention of its author.
The slightestmention of Elvira, the most trivial circumstance recalling that beloved Parent to her memory, was sufficient to throw her into serious agitation.
Henceforth, for years and years, neither in our home, nor, I believe, in any other, was there the slightestmention made of Lady Caroline Brithwood.
"I really liked him so much," he said gently, seeing how deeply she was moved by the slightestmention of that name.