The 90S model provides significant insight into the principle of smallsubunit assembly and the function of assembly factors.
The smallsubunit ribosomal DNA of these bacteria was analysed after polymerase chain reaction amplification to investigate their phylogeny.
All strains of L. mexicana had invariant patterns for both the ITS and the smallsubunit of rRNA genes.
We successfully assembled tobacco Rubisco in E. coli with each smallsubunit that is normally encoded by the nuclear genome.
Recovery of ribosomal smallsubunit genes by assembly of short read community DNA sequence data generally fails, making taxonomic characterization difficult.
The same mutants can also display defects in smallsubunit assembly and 16S rRNA processing and some are temperature sensitive for growth.
Computational enzyme design tools were then utilized to introduce ADO-like activity into the smallsubunit of Escherichia coli class I ribonucleotide reductase.
The binding of the label becomes specific under the direction of tRNA(Lys) and is then almost exclusively located on the smallsubunit.
Strikingly, binding by inhibitors causes a 180 degrees flipping of the N terminus in the smallsubunit, which interacts with and stabilizes the catalytic cleft.
This suggests that Mtg3p and Mrpl4p jointly regulate assembly of the smallsubunit by modulating processing of the 15 S rRNA precursor.
Single-nucleotide mutations result in the amino acid substitutions F270L and K430N in the large subunit and N184S in the smallsubunit of the enzyme.
Binding of smallsubunits occurred rapidly, its rate depending on subunit concentration.
These observations are not consistent with an obligate role for the smallsubunits in the activation process.
Until recently, ribosome assembly has been investigated almost entirely in vitro with bacterial smallsubunits under equilibrium conditions.
The stoichiometry between nonexchangeable CO(2) and large subunits was unchanged regardless of the presence or absence of smallsubunits.
Our results suggest that it is the activating smallsubunits of human SPT that play a key role in these mechanistic variations.