Dish of cooked land snails.
Examples for "snail"
Examples for "snail"
1However turning snail production into a business was a steep learning curve.
2River estuaries can be dangerous places, particularly if you are a snail.
3You are a perfect snail: you carry your home on your back.
4The tiny parasite is carried by a species of East African snail.
5He is there in his cell like a snail in his shell.
1Local escargot aren't something you see very often on Irish menus.
2The air smelled like clarified-butter-drenched escargot and wonderfully greasy Belgian fries.
3If there were snails in it, like the wine, then, well, viva escargot!
4Expect veal fillet with peanuts and mint-flavour escargot, and spaghetti with oyster and cauliflower.
5I feel like I ate some rotten escargot.
Translations for snails with garlic butter