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Significados de sometimes sharp en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "sometimes sharp".
Uso de sometimes sharp en inglés
She is sometimessharp, a trifle fiery, but on the whole she is good-natured.
It made her jealous, possessive, and sometimessharp-tongued.
At intervals I was startled by sounds, sometimes sullen, like a muffled subterranean explosion, sometimessharp, like a quick splintering of an iron-hard substance.
Debates were sometimessharp, but no Wellbeing ever claimed that a rival had disconnected his phone, trashed his house, or posted his credit card numbers.
I write rather what answers to my feelings (which are sometimessharp enough) than express my present ones, for I am only flat and stupid.
Sometimessharp volleys rang out, as the troops stood at bay, and drove back the natives, when they pressed upon them.