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Significados de spasmodic twitching en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "spasmodic twitching".
Uso de spasmodic twitching en inglés
But Evans was silent and motionless, save for a horrible spasmodictwitching of his limbs.
But Evans was silent and motionless now, save for a horrible spasmodictwitching of his limbs.
One and a half minutes of this was followed by a further thirty seconds of death rattles and the occasional spasmodictwitching.
What might have been only a spasmodictwitching-butcould also have been the barest trace of a smile-workedat the corners of his mouth.
There was color in the ordinarily yellow cheeks, there was life in the usually dull eyes, though the spasmodictwitching testified to nerves still unsteady.
After a few spasmodictwitchings of the eyelids and uneasy grunts, Chris slumbered.
He controlled himself, the spasmodictwitchings slowly dying away.
The Puritan's struggles were already becoming mere spasmodictwitchings; his face was as ghastly as the trooper's had been a while ago.
After one or two spasmodictwitchings of her hands, her arms slip away from him and her head falls back.)