Aún no tenemos significados para "speak deliberately".
1Higgins' head leaned back on the leather head rest as he began to speak deliberately.
2Bobby forced himself to speak deliberately, steadily:
3No doubt, she was anxious to speak deliberately, when so much might depend on her evidence and her opinion.
4Walk with gravity, and speak deliberately, but not so as to seem to be listening to thyself; for affectation is odious.
5The young doctor now began to speak deliberately, calmly, and clearly, being fully prepared with every word that he wished to utter.
6The other pondered; he always spoke deliberately, choosing his words with precision.
7Pierson spoke deliberately, still looking hard at the freshman, who waited quietly.
8He too was breathing fast, though he spoke deliberately and rather thickly.
9He spoke deliberately, though his breathing was still quick and uneven.
10He turned to Yeager and spoke deliberately, looking straight at him.
11My feelings were what you can imagine, but I spoke deliberately.
12Barry spoke deliberately now, having made up his mind to proceed.
13Hunt-Goring spoke deliberately, still watching his hostess's slim fingers at work.
14Channis spoke deliberately, in words rather than in emotional symbology.
15Then Harris turned fully upon his visitor and spoke deliberately.
16He sank his voice almost to a whisper, speaking deliberately.
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