Filament material produced by spiders.
Examples for "gossamer"
Examples for "gossamer"
1Never were such films and gossamer threads used in like entanglement before.
2Gulbis loves to attack, but on this occasion found himself chasing gossamer.
3The main figure leads its troop on gossamer thread of varied journey.
4Except it wasn't a string; it was a gossamer-thin strand of steel.
5Seeds of Tillandsia fly on long threads, like spiders on the gossamer
1Furthermore, we provide new insights into antimicrobial peptides from spider silk glands.
2In 2011, Fraser and his colleagues engineered a silkworm that spun spider silk.
3Hot summer wind blew our hair into spider silk strands across our faces.
4A foot of spider silk will take care of a number of bomb sights.
5Engineers could also apply the secrets of spider silk to other challenges, Buehler suggested.
6In an experiment, ants refused to cross lengths of spider silk covered in 2-pyrrolidinone.
7This wonder thread had a theretofore unseen strength-to-weight ratio that beat even spider silk.
8Tells about other attempts ta producing spider silk commercially.
9Her hair crackled around her head, like spider silk.
10The resulting thread is actually a hybrid of specially engineered spider silk and natural silkworm silk.
11Nexia's technology relies on the anatomical similarity between the spider silk gland and goat mammary glands.
12A blanket of the water-resistant, feather-heavy Ozakian spider silk was cut into a protective covering for Vye.
13They've tried raising genetically engineered silkworms, or inserting genes into microorganisms to express the needed spider silk protein.
14This and their ability to fly away on spider silk helps explain the success of these eight-legged creatures.
15Miss Pfeifer places cross -hairs of spider silk on the lenses of these instruments to make sighting accurate.
16So scientists have tried to pull spider silk from tobacco plants, bacteria and even goats, with mixed success.
Translations for spider silk