1Every square centimetre of Lee's paintings is charged with the energy of looking.
2Every square centimetre of the metal surface contained a security or surveillance device.
3But I had a surge of probably six amps per square centimetre for a while.
4Inanda Dam Inanda may have more history per square centimetre than anywhere else in South Africa.
5Ten to the fourth dynes per square centimetre.
6Area.-The unit of area is the square centimetre.
7Moss and fungi had colonized every square centimetre of bark, giving each tree its own micro-ecology.
8The scientists calculate that the storm sent at least 10bn protons per square centimetre into the atmosphere.
9If Holly had somehow smuggled an acorn in here, then one square centimetre of ground would be enough.
10Almost every square centimetre of the walls that flank the street has been covered with bright, cacophonous paint.
11Blood frothed out of a thousand shallow cuts, staining every square centimetre of his clothes a bright crimson.
12By swabbing within the 100 square centimetre stencil area, he collects a sample that corresponds to Ministry of Health guidelines.
13When the field was just a radiation speed-up, I used forty milliamperes of current to the square centimetre of field-plate.
14Every square centimetre of surface was pockmarked by tiny impact craters from the millennia-long bombardment of Ring gravel and dust.
15Their small, soft hands were thought ideal for delicate jobs such as knotting threads, dozens to each square centimetre, in carpet-making.
16At this scale we can fit one billion transistors on one square centimetre of silicon -about the size of a fingernail.
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Translations for square centimetre