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Uso de stapes en inglés
Introduction: Endoscopic stapes surgery is a technically demanding procedure that is increasing in popularity.
He said paleontologists had long suspected that dinosaurs had stapes.
Results: A total of 580 stapes operations were included.
Conclusions: Endoscopically assisted stapes surgery represents a safe alternative to traditional microscopic techniques, with similar morbidity and audiological outcomes.
The surgical outcomes for patients undergoing stapes surgery performed by the Sydney Endoscopic Ear Surgery Research Group are presented.
Except for the stapes, these skeletal elements are unique to mammals and are derived from the first and second branchial arches.
We'd seen that the auditory canals were well defined, that the tiny ossicles-themaleus, incus, and stapes-werepresent in the middle ear.
Its liquids, being practically incompressible and surrounded on all sides by bones, could not otherwise yield to the movements of the stapes.
Deeper, past the secret passage of the tympanic membrane, through the drum, sit like atolls the malleus, the incus, and the stapes.
If the process takes place within the area of the oval window, it results in fixation of the stapes and conductive hearing loss.
Although far-advanced otosclerosis has known poorer hearing outcomes after stapes surgery, a long duration of hearing loss is an unreliable surrogate for this.
The bony fixation of the malleus and stapes is explained as atavism of the processus anterior mallei and peripheral lamina stapedialis in embryological development.
Umbo and stapes vibrations to acoustic stimuli from 250 to 6349 Hz were measured using a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer.
Methods: Patients undergoing primary stapes surgery for otosclerosis from 2005 to 2017 were evaluated according to their self-reported duration of hearing loss.
Patients: A retrospective case review of patients undergoing endoscopic stapes surgery performed by four surgeons between February 2015 and July 2019 was carried out.
The next day Stapes staged another dinner and I made more mistakes.