Examples for "op"
Examples for "op"
1Come the revolution, we will turn it into a co-op of course.
2Google started out two years ago on a service called Google Co-op.
3Co-op Chairwoman Ursula Lidbetter said reforms were critical to the group's future.
4Her op-ed, titled The New Nationwide Crime Wave, sparked a months-long debate.
5The community development co-op, which celebrates 25 years, has a large parish.
1The fourteenth mystery sound from the Our Changing World opening theme
2The eighth mystery sound from the Our Changing World opening theme
3You have so exactly suited to the 'cello the opening theme.
4The opening theme to the popular TV show, The Golden Girls.
5The opening theme of the first movement derives from a Basque dance, the zortico.
1There's also an intro song by 50, who in addition to serving as EP also plays Kanan, the ex-con who taught Ghost everything he knows.
Translations for starting theme