Aún no tenemos significados para "still pool".
1He was as peaceful and empty as a still pool of water.
2She had seen her reflection in the still pool; she was ugly.
3The still pool slept in the moonlight, a lake of silver, unspeakably calm.
4Yet surely nowhere so dismal as by the side of that still pool.
5Icy darkness soothed him like a dip into a still pool.
6Ayla suddenly remembered the reflection of herself she had seen in the still pool.
7A change had coarsened her like a puff of air on a still pool.
8The ford was in swift water just above a deep still pool suspected of crocodiles.
9Not in the still pool lying on the sands.
10The ceiling was reflected in a still pool of water that covered the entire floor.
11This time she avoided looking in the still pool.
12Staves of sunlight slanted down through the still pool, lighting it up with wonderful distinctness.
13Daughter.' And it fell like a rock through this still pool of fatherhood and brotherhood.
14It was time for lunch, so they dismounted near a deep still pool and ate.
15This was a girl, bending over a still pool.
16He held a fishing pole loosely before him, the line dangling in a deep, still pool.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Still pool a través del tiempo
Still pool por variante geográfica