Aún no tenemos significados para "strange intentness".
1She was gazing with strange intentness at the back of a worn gray overcoat.
2They dance with strange intentness, particularly if they have for partner an English Signora.
3Her lover saw it, and for the moment a strange intentness was in his gaze.
4His eyes still sought hers with that strange intentness.
5King was suddenly conscious of a strange intentness of gaze on the old man's part.
6She looked into his face with strange intentness.
7He looked at her with strange intentness.
8She had a way of lowering her head and looking at you with a strange intentness-gravely-kindlyandquietly.
9She had stopped staring at the wall, and had taken to watching the open window opposite with strange intentness.
10She ate it, nearly all, then looked around, below her, with a strange intentness, as one who says good-bye.
11When he turned, he saw, to his surprise, a lady standing beside the sleeping youth, and gazing at him with a strange intentness.
12At the sound of the girl's voice, the stranger trembled; then she rose and looked Dolores full in the face with a strange intentness.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Strange intentness a través del tiempo
Strange intentness por variante geográfica