Raoul descended the last steps and entered the wide subterraneangrotto.
Since the time when he prepared the subterraneangrotto for Masa, he has never until now experienced such ecstasy.
He stood motionless, perplexed and wondering,... was there a subterraneangrotto near at hand where devotional chants were sung?-or ,
The Supernal Pagoda at Benares is in the form of a Cross; and the Druidical subterraneangrotto at New Grange in Ireland.
A small wooden box on the floor, and a couple of pick-hilts, leaning against the wall, completed the furniture of this subterraneangrotto.
Druidical subterraneangrotto at New Grange in Ireland, 504-m. Druidical Temple in the Island of Lewis, Scotland, 504-m. Druids admitted immortality, judgment, man's responsibility, 618-u.