Aún no tenemos significados para "supersede even".
1This officer shall supersede even the Sheriff in possession, excepting by an extent for the king; only with this provision:-
2Was not the duty of following the Messiah to supersede even that of burying one's parents, the most sacred of all ancient obligations?
3A drive that supersedes even the urge to survival.'
4It supersedes even self-help, marketing, politics and PR.
5This duty, remember, is not superseded even by the ill conduct of the person you have made your foe.
6Now the old fever all came back; the fascinations of the game superseded even his interest in the daily dictations.
7What is the organization welded by adversity which, in this crisis, supersedes even the Soviet Constitution, and stands between this people and chaos?
8The arrival of the first round of CAO offers today supersedes even the Leaving Certificate results in the minds of many students and their parents.
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