Aún no tenemos significados para "surly voice".
1He answered in his surly voice: Thou art right, lady, I cannot.
2And Roger, though in a somewhat surly voice, said the like.
3I thought it was a wreck, sure, came another surly voice.
4Got no middle initial, Pembroke said in a surly voice.
5Nearly ten minutes elapsed before a window opened, and a surly voice called out,-
6Ercole asked, in a low and surly voice.
7A surly voice muttered something in reply.
8As I did so a heavy, thumping footstep sounded upon the platform, and a surly voice inquired:
9He answered, in his dull, surly voice:
10Lord Alfred's answers were made not only with a surly voice, but also with a surly heart.
11Then said Roger in a surly voice, "Why art thou not there to look on?"
12Alfred spoke in a surly voice.
13McMurdo answered in a surly voice.
14A surly voice bade him enter.
16Then with a grim and surly voice he woke them, and asked them what they were doing in his grounds.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Surly voice a través del tiempo
Surly voice por variante geográfica