Aún no tenemos significados para "sworn word".
1Contrary to his sworn word, he murdered his brothers, Secydianus and Arsites.
2Would you?-onesworn word that gives me my bride, let men do what they may!
3All of that was true, but Hughes was a man who took his sworn word seriously.
4His ransom would be his sworn word to leave the Connec and never again torment that land.
5They were hospitable to the stranger, they respected their sworn word, they loved liberty and hated restraint.
6He gives you his sworn word.
7Now that you're here, you have my sworn word that the Free Companions will never lay hand again on your ventures.
8He was scared, even then, but he had sworn to trust them, and a Stark of Winterfell keeps his sworn word.
9I mindit o' my sworn word, for I was yin o' the four that had promised, and I ettled to dae his bidding.
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