First order axiomatic set theory.
Examples for "km"
Examples for "km"
1Ninety percent of New Zealand's population lived within 25 km of police.
2Located only 1500km north of Antarctica, volcanoes rise sharply from the sea.
3The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is about 10km from the Chernobyl hotel.
4The authorities say radiation levels outside the 20km evacuation zone are safe.
5The 25km travel limit will remain for another fortnight, Mr Andrews said.
1Quantitative real-time PCR revealed decrease of mtDNA content in the affected muscle.
2The only factor associated with mtDNA depletion was duration of NRTI use.
3Our findings highlight unique features of IF3 mt in mitochondrial translation initiation.
4Here, we review issues pertaining to the role of mtDNA in aging.
5These three mt genomes encode the standard set of metazoan mt genes.
1Strikingly, this amino acid alteration is the same as that seen in the mk mouse.
2The corporation's job was done: MK was an economic and popular success.
3MK: My approach is to always find something special, but still approachable.
4MK opened offices in Japan and San Francisco to woo foreign companies.
5Thus, our findings defined a role for LOX-PP in reducing MK ploidy.
1We compared identification of prevalent VFx by semi-automated QM to SQ grading.
2Results: Positive significant associations were found between the three hospitals level QM measures.
3He said lenders will likely only originate QM loans in the near term.
4In particular, saturation of the vinyl substituent on eugenol-QM increases the solvolysis rate 100-fold.
5Conclusions: As assessed by QM plus SQ, teriparatide reduced the incidence of vertebral fractures.
Translations for system of quine and morse