Aún no tenemos significados para "take singly".
1Taken singly they were not beautiful; taken together they were.
2Listen, then:-You know that men speak of human beings, taken singly, as individuals.
3Taken singly, the three documents were misleading; taken altogether, they formed a masterpiece of autobiography.
4It was neither taken singly, but it was both.
5What our intellect really aims at is neither variety nor unity taken singly but totality.
6Fortunately they can be taken singly, they have not had time to unite their overmastering forces.
7Losses of this kind, trifling when taken singly, have in the aggregate borne heavily on the tribe.
8Taken singly, these sayings are grand; united, they suggest thoughts needed always, never more needful than to-day.
9Though comparatively insignificant taken singly, viewed collectively they show an aggregate of energy and thrift wholly commendable.
10I said that the two together were more eligible than either taken singly; and to this we adhere.
11Taken singly, what should we be?
12Her features taken singly were by no means perfect, nor were they set off by any brilliancy of colouring.
13He then discusses the different chemical behavior of metals when taken singly and when placed in contact with other metals.
14Those which may arouse suspicion, but any one of which, taken singly, would not be an evidence of the practice.
15Taken singly, I suppose that none of the figures in the chapel, except the Virgin's grandmother, should be rated very highly.
16The sciences, which taken singly too often seem only good to expel the false, have been summoned together to declare the true.